How Changing Your Morning Routine can Improve Your Mood
Many of us go through our mornings on autopilot. We follow the same mundane routine day in and day out. We drag ourselves out of bed, stumble over to the bathroom to prep ourselves for the day, and then rush through breakfast (if we even consider drinking coffee “breakfast”). We’re rushing and dragging ourselves. It’s no wonder our moods kinda suck throughout the day. Well, buckle up because I’m about to give you 4 morning routine changes that can improve your mood and set you up for a positive (even productive!) day. And it all starts with intention.
Start Your Day with Mindfulness
Raise your hand if the first thing you do when you wake up (aside from hitting the snooze button) is check your phone. Yeah, I knew it. Before you grab your phone, turn on the TV, or blast Spotify - start with being mindful. This could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths or doing a quick meditation. By starting the day in a calm and centered state, you can reduce stress and anxiety and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.
Shake It, Baby, Shake It!
Get up and move your body! While we all joke that we’re taking a stupid walk for our stupid mental health, there’s actual science to back up the benefits of exercise. It’s a mood booster and increases your serotonin levels. Incorporate movement into your morning routine. This could be a quick yoga sequence, a brisk walk, some jumping jacks, or a 5-minute dance party with yourself. Moving your body helps release endorphins, which can boost your mood and energy levels.
Eat a REAL Breakfast
Adulthood brings us many things like a coffee addiction but coffee does not equal breakfast. Say it with me: coffee is not a breakfast food. Rather than rushing through breakfast, try eating something with substance that’s healthy for you. Eggs, veggies, oatmeal, or a smoothie are perfect options to pump you up with energy in the morning. Eating a balanced breakfast can stabilize your blood sugar levels, reduce hunger throughout the day, and improve mood and brain function.
Get Some Sunshine
Seriously. Go outside. I promise, it’s actually good for you. Exposure to sunlight can improve mood and increase energy levels which explains why people are more active in the warmer months of the year. Try to get outside for a few minutes in the morning, even if it's just to stand on your porch or take a quick walk around the block. If you live in a location where it's still dark in the morning, consider investing in a light therapy lamp to simulate sunlight.
Self Improvement Done Right
When you have a consistent routine, you improve the quality of your sleep and increase your energy levels because there’s less guessing in the morning. Do you know what we professionals call this? Self improvement. There are other things you can do to improve yourself, too. Check out some of the online courses for personal development that I offer. They’re self-paced and full of help on ways to help you on your self growth journey.