Tapping Into Your Own MAGIC
A Journey in Improving Your Self Esteem
Self Esteem, noun, “confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self respect.”
That’s the pure definition of self esteem. Having confidence in your own abilities and knowing your worth…you know, understanding your own magic! If we all have a bit of magic in us, why do so many of us feel like we have to downplay our magic for others? It’s because we lack the self confidence to shine. And we lack the self awareness to realize we can be magical alongside other people. Since self esteem plays such a vital role in our well being and success, we need to tap into our own magic more often because it can affect our relationships, career choices, and our overall happiness.
Let’s tackle some ways you can improve your self esteem and tap into your magic.
Change Your Inner Dialogue
Recently, I ran into my friend Norma. We used to work together when I was younger. Norma is the kind of person who radiates sunshine wherever she goes. You know the kind of person I’m talking about - always has a smile on her face, always thinks positively, and doesn’t let a bad day turn into a bad week. Well, Norma mentioned that she was going out on a limb for a new job and while part of her said “you can’t do it - you’re not qualified!” - another part of her said “GO FOR IT!” So, she started listening to the inner dialogue that encouraged her to go after what she wanted because it’s worked well for her in the past. Shifting your mindset and hushing your inner critic takes work but it starts with recognizing the thought pattern and telling yourself the opposite of what the critic says.
Start Failing Forward
Failing isn’t always a bad thing but with failure comes shame and grief. People with a growth mindset view failure as a way to learn from their mistakes and move forward. They fail forward. Failure is part of life and it’s inevitable. How we choose to respond to it can have a massive impact on our self esteem! See what I did there? I threw in the word “choose” because your response is a choice. Instead of viewing failure as a reflection of your worth, change your inner dialogue to reframe failure as a learning opportunity. You’ll embrace the lessons it offers and use them to grow as a person. Plus, you’ll develop resilience alongside confidence.
Choose Better Company
For the love of all that is holy…misery loves company! Why? To bring you down to their level so they have someone to sulk with. But, what happens when you surround yourself with positive people? You wind up in an uplifting environment that helps foster self confidence. Toxic relationships are draining, so seek out individuals who inspire you! You should feel motivated to reach your full potential because you’re surrounded by people who value and appreciate you. While friends shouldn’t be tied to your self esteem, surrounding yourself with people who support you can influence your self perception.
Your Journey is Waiting
Here’s the thing that all the blog posts with tips about self esteem won’t tell you: improving your self esteem takes time. It’s not something that happens overnight. You can’t buy it but you can foster it. And those that have taken the journey to improving their self confidence can tell you that when you start to tap into your own magic, your world starts to look different. That can be scary for a lot of people but don’t let fear hold you back. Your journey to self discovery and empowerment is waiting - are you ready for it? Believe that you’re magical and start walking.